Monday, December 5, 2011

Star Wars: The Old Republic

So here is my list:

  • When quicktraveling to the Senate Commercial area, the loading takes forever and I'm stuck with watching a pinkish weird city while it decides if I'm worthy of continuing the game or not..

  • When doing a force sweep my character does this half jump before she does the actual sweep.. That annoyes the hell out of me..

  • Getting stuck at various places throughout the game due to lag or reloading..

  • The cracks in the surroundings... I got one pic of it, but happened across a few during playtime..
Quite pretty if you don't focus on the crack in animation..
So, back to what matters...

Will I buy the game YES...
Why?? Because it's good game (haven't played enough to give you a "great" judgement)

I am a single player kind of girl and don't really enjoy having to depend on others for my gaming experience.. This is my first ever MMORPG (that I didn't quit after 2 min) and I really did like it..
I had a great experience and got to know very nice ppl.. It's always a plus and I do hope I don't have to encounter any "Trolls" (bad ppl are called  that apparently)

Still think I needed a little more "help" when I first entered the game.
So a list of useful tips should be done.. but not by me, cause I'm hopeless.. =P

This is what I've learned about MMORPG so far:
  • Trolls = Bad ppl around the MMORPG universe
  • LFG = Looking For Group, If your doing a quest that requiers more players than one. (they have a feature for that, but don't think ppl have figured it out yet)
  • Guild = A group of people, (that's about all I know even though I'm pretty sure there's more to it.) Will get back to you on this one.
  • AFK = Away From Keyboard, you just let ppl know you have to go pee or something.. To me it's the same as Be right back.. I just think MMO gamers want to be a little cooler than everyone else.. =P
  • OMW = On My Way, to let you know your friends are heading your way..
  • LFM = Looking For More/Members, if you have 1 player joining your group and you need more..

 Go here if you need some help with the definitions..

This is what I learned about SW: TOR so far:

  • Never forget to check out all the tabs at the bottom of your windows.. Both trainers and skills have a lot of funny stuff that I missed the first 5 days I played the game..

  • Learn to use the "looking for group" feature.. It will help you (as soon as ppl figure it out.. )Spamming the chat looking for groups work, but it's annoying to others..

  • The maps are not as confusing as they seemed in the beginning.. they also turn transparent if you move while they're up.. Awesome.. Without that I would have gone insane..

  • Learn the classes and the advanced form of them or you'll end up beginning from scratch alot..

  • Make sure to use the search feature if you have trouble.. there are a lot of helpfull tips to be found there..

  • Don't use the chat to vent issues about religion, sexuallity, politics or whether or not to eat meat.. It's bad topics and starts arguments that are not suited in a chat.. (did not do that, but some people seemed to use the chat as a breeding ground for hostility)

So there you go.. My two cents at the moment.. I'll return when I remember something else, right now, my brain is to tired...


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

WTF Bioware

Just browsed through the companions on STAR WARS: the old Republic and realised that romance wise, I'm fucked..

There were some nice options for the guys,

but as a girl you are left with these options..

If those are my options to a romance I say GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK!!!

Seriously.. Where are the guys that look like this dude??

COME ON!!!! DO SOMETHING or I'm abandoning Bioware for good...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New York.. Just a few pics

Derek, me, Jordan and Lindah on Halloween

Wonderful and sweet Derek

Me and Lindah

In a cab in the City

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I feel a need to pop by Fresno... but noooo.. I don't have time for that this visit to the states..
I'll have to make that trip some other time..


Love for Bioware

This is what I know about Bioware.

They make great games, with great stories and awesome fights..

This is what I've learned about Bioware:

They are amazing. The people who work at Bioware are kind and helpfull.
They have a great sense of humor and really love what they're doing..
If I had a project (no matter what) those are the kind of people I would hope was working on it..

I will never, ever forget the first computer I got.. It was in 1999, so I was late getting one..
A friend of mine brought over Baldurs Gate and wanted me to try it, after that I was hooked..

So for 12 years I have loved and stayed true to Bioware and after interacting with the people involved in the comapny, I feel I will never stop supporting them...

So thank you all for the wonderful time you've given me and so many others.
I can only hope our thanks and enjoyment will keep you from feeling the emptiness that comes with releasing a big project and realizing your work is done.. (almost, we still expect dlc's, lots and lots)

And to the people involved in Mass Effect... Your time is almost over, your work is nearing it's end..
You have worked hard on this project and I can only imagine the feeling of pride that must wash over you as it all comes together.. You have done an amazing job and I hate you all for not letting me know if Joker is an LI... Hahahahahahah..

No seriously.. I love you guys and girls... (even if you fuck up sometimes)

Thank you so much for everything..

Monday, October 24, 2011


Should be packing today, will be packing today..

Can't believe I'm leaving this friday.. It's going to be amazing to spend Halloween in New York/New Jersey..

I will be just as bad at updating the blog in the upcoming week as I have been in the past ones, but when I get back I'll make sure to post pictures and movies for you..

FYI... I will never look at Ikea in the same way ever again..

Monday, September 26, 2011

This is crazy

I'm freaking out with preflight nerves, even though it's 4 weeks and 4 days left..

Going to be absolutely awesome to spend Halloween in NYC.. or South Orange or Haledon or Clifton..
The possibilities are endless and the people are amazing..
Lindah and I are leaving on the 28th of October.. and will be spending 10 days around New Jersey and New York..
We're going to get her man.. Her one true love.. It would be really romantic if it wasn't for my 'belowthebelt' thoughts.. Haha..

So if anyone has any ideas about what's going on during Halloween in NYC let me know.. =)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Going to New York

It's going to be a blast.. New York during Halloween..
Me and my friend are planning a hell of a fun time.

Only four weeks left and we booked our tickets today, talk about being an (almost) last minute trip..
If anyone feels the urge to hook up, just let me know..

Now I'm gonna go fix my 'to do' list befor ethe weekend is over..
I need to renew my passport and make sure my school is informed of my time off.. I also need to check trains and planes and lots of other stuff..

I'll get back to you later..

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mass Effect

I'm on my kasillionth playthrough of the ME games.. I honestly think I've never been this hooked on something for a long time (except Origins)..

The game just grows and grows... Something I miss though is something they covered in Dragon Age 2 (figure that).. I miss the romances between squadmates.. In DA2, if you don't romance Fenris he hops in to bed with Isabela...

It would be a nice depth to my friends on the Normandy if they atleast hinted on having a social life with eachother..  Some have been togheter for a couple of years and should atleast play poker on their nights off.. =p

I think ME2 is a very huge game and I love the fact that all the recruiting and loyalty missons are short. Considering they really hammered in as many companions as they could in that game I believe it was a smart move..
I have, if I'm not mistaken, read that they have gone back to ME standards, on that part, in ME3.

I do think that the fans of the series have done a really good job telling Bioware about their feelings regarding the games, good and bad. And I do feel that Bioware have done an awesome job listening to all the suggestions..

There is only one thing that concerns me and that is (as I mentioned) the fact that crappy players like me might be in for a hard game.. I have tried playing the game on Normal and failed completely.. I am a casual player (and even then I get killed a lot) I've read that due to fansuggestions the 'Normal' gameplay will be harder, which causes me to think 'Casual' will also be bumped up to be harder.. If they do so I really hope they add a "Isabelle Mode" for me.. Haha
If they don't I do hope cheating will be possible and easy..

I really hate that I can't cheat in ME2.. Loved that it could be done in ME1..
Don't know why they made it (almost) impossible to cheat in the second game.. Think I need to remind them that not all who play do it for the game, but for the story..
Maybe they can add a feature that makes it possible to cheat after the first playthrough.. That could be a great idea, but probably only for crappy gamers like me..

Well well.. Miss Killed-a-Lot signing out.. Take care..

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Says who??

Been trying to figure out a hot and funny topic to keep my blog focused, but I can't say I found anything.. I'm way to messed up..

I got a few things though..

Like wifes not giving their men sex after having kids.. If you don't want to give him what he needs than let him atleast have some fun on the side you bitch.. Seriously.. How come he's supposed to give you what you want and need, if you don't do the same?? If your pussy hurts, use your mouth..

Also, the lack of selfrespect amongst young girls.. How about you grow a pair and stop acting like the guy you're dating is your only reason for living.. Your world won't end if he leaves..

and, of course, Bioware.. FFS, you need someone as bad at playing games as I am to really check out the story in ME3.. Everyone who's played it so far are probably really good at it..
I suck at it..
That way the storyline and the 'easy' version would really be checked for anything that can spoil the mood...
Plus I'll sign a contract saying I can't talk to anyone or show anyone anything that has to do with the game.. Better yet.. I won't even mention that you sent it to me.. (if you do)


Fuck me if I'm wrong

but I think you wanna have sex with me..

You know where to reach me.. =P

Saturday, September 3, 2011

To my friends

You paint the color of my heart...

Had a great night with my girls yesterday.. I will never forget it.. We had fun as hell..
It's amazing to have friends like that and I hope everyone has atleast one.

So what happened yesterday?? Well.. nothing much.. We had a few beers and talked alot of crap about boys we don't like and alot of sweet things were said about those we do like..

I have this awkward feeling that I missed something yesterday, but if I did it probably wasn't important..

Don't know if I need to say this more than once, but I really do love my friends..

Now I'm gonna enjoy some flashbacks from last night and then take a hot bath before getting some laundry done..

Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm frickin' awesome..

I managed to cut myself while shaving my legs, I have tripped in the bathtub, have ripped a big hole in my tights and now I realise I'm one step away from burning my lunch..

This is a great day (and that is said without sarcasm)
All these things happen and I am still smiling, feeling like a million bucks..

So come get me world, I'm ready for you..

Why so happy you might ask: Well I have a secret, a very nice, very naughty secret.. Haha
It's not what you think, unless you're thinking what I'm thinking..  and then you have a dirty mind and should call me.. ;-)

Onward to new adventures..
Lovely, lovely me...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You're funny

I love how my promise to not get involved with a guy has brought back a few of my exes.. Haha.. Don't know if they think I went insane at the same time and that they'd have a shot at getting me back..

It's wierd how that works.. But then again.. Thanks for the nice words and thanks for your time, but I'm not that into you anymore..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I need to update

'Cause I'm really bad at it.. This is what's going on in my life right now..
Uhm... *pondering*
Well, there you have it.. Nothing much going on that I haven't already told you about..
School is going great, my life is boring and all is well on planet earth..

I'm so glad my mind plays tricks on me sometime or I would go insane from all the logical conclusions school is making me come to..

Two new shows to keep an eye out for.. Beaverfalls (no it's not about a tumbling beaver) and Awkward.
Very funny.. haha.. Yes they are... haha... My mind is doing funny things with the tumbling beaver right now.. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Can't type hahahaha anymore.. Get hehehehe back to hihi you haha later

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Naughty thoughts..

Should be pleased to know all my thoughts are acctually naughty.. In some way or form.

Sometimes the most simple comment can in my mind draw up a picture of funny, naughty and awesome moments..

So, does that make me a bad person, or just a crazy one?? Haha.. I love my mind, it keeps me entertained and my actions keep the ppl around me laughing.. So why not let your minds be naughty and let your thoughts run free.. Just for a moment..

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?? Probably not.. Hehe..

Monday, August 8, 2011

Dragon Age 2 Cheats

Per request I am posting this again..

Having trouble fixing the 'enabledeveloperconsole'???
Well I've tried a lot and have some tips..

If you can't get the DEV to work it could be that you are running Windows 7 or Vista. It seems that they, for some reason, cancel out the Tilde and Grave buttons.
So try this, in the line,


Insert F12, insted of Grave. The line should now read:


You have to write F, 1, 2 and not just push the F12 button, which will do nothing.

So lets go through it all from the start and see if we can't get the Dragon Age Cheat to work..

Start by going in to:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age II\bin_ship(the folder where you installed the game)
Look for the .exe file named DragonAge2 (it has a red icon) Make a shortcut to your desktop.

Click on the shortcut, select “Properties,” then add this attribute

to the end of the line in the “Target” field.

Ensure that there is a space between the last quotation mark in the shortcut location and the added code.

Now the line should read:
"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age II\bin_ship\DragonAge2.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole(or in my case E:\)

Part one is done

Part Two.

This involves modifying the keybindings .ini file, located in
C:\Users\(your name)\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age 2\Settings\

You’ll need to search this file for the line
(if it doesn't say Grave don't sweat it, the:
is the important part)

This is where you assign the console open button.. Write F12 after the line, save and close.

Start the game using the shortcut you created, resume the game you played, press the F12 button.
If the console is active you should be unable to move your Hawke.. (that is the only way you know it's activated since no window will appear for you to write in)
There you go, have fun.. I did..

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

DA2 Legacy

Played it and am still disapointed.
Let me start by saying I love Bioware and Mike Laidlaw (and everyone else who works at Bioware of course)
Dragon Age 2 is really a great game if you look at all the parts separately, but as a whole it really doesn't hold you like it should..
You know.. With that 'Don't disturb me MF's, I'm playing Dragon Age' kind of feeling..

I went through the "trouble" of installing DA2 on my computer again just to play the new DLC Legacy.. I updated my drivers and felt like a kid the day before xmas..

This is my reaction and opinion..

I will try not to spoil anything for those of you who hasn't bought it yet. (but I might so read carefully)

My first feeling of 'WTF Bioware' came as soon as I saw how I was gonna access the area..
How can you get a feeling of a large and connected world if you put crap like that in the game.. Seriously..

You need to take a long hard look at the Origins DLC's and go back to what works.. You are running the gamers away by cheating them like that.. Either mold the DLC's with the game or just apologize in advance..
Yes, I still love you Bioware and I am still hoping for an improvement, but to kick me when I'm still down after DA2 is taking it one step to far.

Back to Legacy.. Ok.. it's really straight forward and not much of a sandbox kind of feel to it..
It pretty much points you in the right direction with big flashy monsters holding neonsigns.
But that goes for the whole game I guess..
The monsters are big and bad. Hawke is awesome and all the bad guys die..
Can't really say much more than that right now or I might spoil it for all who haven't gotten it yet..
Will write more about it in a couple of weeks when more people have played it and I don't spoil it to much..

It doesn't add much to the story as far as I can tell, it's like picking up a hitchhiker who wants you to drop it of at the same spot as you picked it up..
It doesn't even pay for gas, even though it insisted to ride along for 3 miles before wanting to go back..

As I said on my Twitter.. Legacy is to DA2 what a sidecar is to a VW van.. I would have said Porche, but DA2 is no Porche..
It's that VW standing on cinder blocks in your backyard and Legacy is the sidecar you can't attach without it looking stupid..
The Exiled Prince on the other hand is like the fluffy dice hanging from the rareview mirror.. It gave you the feeling that one day this baby would grace the streets again..

So I need more parts that go with this VW.. How about some new tires and maybe an oilchange.. I mean the engine is working, but it needs some fine tuning..

If that can't be done..
Here's an idea for your next game..

Still Love You All at BIOWARE... and if you need me to play through the games for you before you release them, let me know.. That way you can avoid blunders like the area location thingy...  =P

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Me

I'm happy.. Imagine that, all you haters failed again.. Darn!!
I promise to work harder on being miserable next time..
So why am I happy?? I have no idea..

Anyway.. on my way down town to do some shopping for and with my daughter..

If I'm lucky I get to meet up with my best friend Emilie.. She's crazy fun.. =)
See you later and I'll let you know what I bought..

Thursday, June 23, 2011


It's 2:48am and I am still awake. This will be a very random post, since I'm tired as fuck, but not sleepy at all.

First of all.. I'm blessed to have met my soulmate and that will always bring me joy and comfort. He makes me shine and I am a better person for loving him and being loved by him makes me stronger. Heard Javier Colons version of 'Fix You' today and that brought back alot of memories. All good ones.. So now I'm sitting here smiling, feeling happy that I've nothing to worry about.. Ever. Don't you ever forget how much you mean to me, I'm always here for you.. Always. And that's all I have to say about that..

Loving my single life btw.. Haha.. (I said I met my soulmate, not that we were in a relationship.) Anyway.. School is going great, getting really good grades. Go Me!!

I believe what's meant to be is meant to be.. I've gotten to know some really great ppl this last year and also some real douchebags, but life goes on and I am still happy as ever. My life has had up's and downs, but for some reason it doesn't bother me anymore. I will never be more than I let myself be and, as of last year, I am getting out of my way..

I will continue shining as long as I breathe. I am right where I'm supposed to be.

Monday, June 13, 2011

About the drunk post

Couldn't do it.. Haha.. I was so far under the table, I now know what a rug feels like.. =P

Anyway.. I'm about to do some research into cruises and fun stuff to do in Sweden.. When ppl decide to visit I want to make sure they have a good time..

Canada need to take a trip over here to. Just for the hell of it.. Don't you agree??

Lets fuck up the map..

Friday, June 10, 2011

Kind of my point

The Old vs The New

I love Mass Effect and Dragon Age Origins..
I started out a Dragon Age fan and simply refused to even try Mass Effect.. I don't like shooter, ailen type games. I played through DAO atleast 20 times, hated Orzammar btw and after the first playthrough I cheated past that part.

Anyway.. Loved the game and luckily DA2 was about to be released.. Now you can all hate me, but the  truth is (and don't put me in jail for this):

1. I downloaded DAO from a pirate site.. (shame on me)

If I hadn't done it I wouldn't have bought DAO or DA2, or the DLCs which means I wouldn't have gotten the free copy of ME2 from Bioware which would have led to me not buying ME or the Shadowbroker or the Arrival or Genesis or Kasumi and the list goes on.. (Get my point)

So now that I've been honest... Lets get back to my story..
Anyhow.. I made the big mistake of thinking all the good stuff from DAO would be transferred over to DA2. Boy, was I wrong.. So here I was with a game that didn't really capture me, the fighting scenes were awesome, but still the game felt fake and not true to the original and wonderful DAO. What was the problem I thought and stopped playing the game after the second playthrough.. Well not quite.. I play the game, but now I never finish it.. I've lost interest.. Don't get me wrong.. The game is awesome in some ways and I still have the shrine I built for Laidlaw.. Haha.. but somethings not right..

Well.. Bioware did a 'Let's be nice to our fans and give them something for free' thing. (hail to Bioware) and suddenly I found myself playing ME2. Then it hit me.. This is why I didn't like DA2.. Because it was no longer DA, it had become Dragon Effect.

I played ME2 a few times and like it, not loved it, liked it. I felt I was missing out on the backstory and bought ME just to get the whole picture. Turns out I am now a ME fan.. Love ME..
This game has a whole different feel than DA and the fact that you can play the same character in, not 1, not 2, but 3 games is fucking brilliant..

So why am I sad?? Because I miss DAO. The feeling I got when I first played that game is the reason I am now the proud owner of all the other ones.. It is a game soooo good that I decided to buy it after my playthrough on a pirated game.. Do you understand what I'm saying.. I had played through the game allready and still decided to buy it because it was so effing good..

DA2 however is not installed on my computer anymore and is collecting dust on my EADM account.. Turns out that game made me turn to ME insted and I am now a total Jokermaniac.. ;-) So I've gone from an Alistairfan to a Jokermaniac because of one game.. Hopefully the promised DLC's will bring me back to DA2, but at this point I'm not tempted to buy unless I get to smooch that arrowshootin hottie Sebastian.. =P

Let me explain ME for all who hasn't played it..
You play Shepard, male or female, you kick ass (if you choose) and save ppl (if you choose).. You fall in love (if you choose).. The list goes on.. Your choices are your own and there are so many different ways to play the game... This is also the center of the DA story, but here you go from a custom player to a character named Hawke... Which was kind of bad cause now I can't connect the two games and feel like DA2 should have been a new series, a new beginning, insted of a sequel. Do like the jealousy bit between Zevran and Fenris though.. Grrrr, give me more of that.. =)
Back to ME..
After playing ME the choices I made in that game carried over to ME2 and the choices from both those games will carry over to ME3.. This, my friends is as close to heaven as I will ever get..

So I've made a choice.. If ME3 turns out to be a dissapointment I will stop playing videogames for good.. However.. If it lives up to its prequals I will donate the amount of money I bought videogames for this year to a charity involving animals..
So far, around $300, and the year isn't over yet..

Still if you want games that will keep you busy for hours and hours and totally take over you life, games that will make you use strange quotes like 'Andraste's tits', 'Your waist is very supportive' and 'When the going gets tough, someone hold my rodent'
Bioware will always be the one and only choice..

What's up America??

Great to see so many followers from all over the world.. A little surprised to find that the majority of my visitors are from the States..

Well well, back to the update.. Have been out walking and my legs are killing me.. 3 hour powerwalk yesterday and just getting ready for another 3 hours now.. Waiting for my phone to charge first and will be posting my 'game opinions' before I go..

Tonight I will be spending a few hours with a friend just drinking and talking crap (the things I do best) Promise to make drunk calls to all who feel the need for a laugh.. =P

Take care till later.. Promise to make a drunk blogpost as well.. ;-)

Friday, June 3, 2011

I need to get better at this..

I'm so bad at updating my blog.. I'm way more into Twitter and Facebook.. But.. I'm here now so lets see what I can do for you..

I've cut my hair, made some new friends, met up with some old ones..
And for some reason I've never been happier.

I do however feel that July is to far away and I'm dying over here.. Come on June.. move faster..
If anyone's wondering: cute and funny guys do NOT grow on trees..

Also ME3 makes me feel like getting the remote Adam Sandler uses in Click..

I need July.. NOW.. Give me, give me...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saw this..

I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock.

and agree...

Super HERO??

Ok. I'm a klutz.
I fall, drop, burn, cut and mostly anything else you can think of.
So if I ever were to be a superhero my name would be 'Klutz'
I would wear a spandex suit in a disturbing color with a big brown K on the chest..
'My super power' you ask.. Well..

I will be able to, with only my toes, find sharp edges in a pitch dark room..
My hands will be able to detect and identify heat by simply touching it for a couple of seconds
My eyes will catch any liquid coming from a citrus fruit no matter the distance.

It will take me atlest 45 minutes to get changed since I tend to get caught in the phonebooth and need to be greased out by some pimp who hasn't seen a shower in three days..
My cool Klutzmobile will be in the shop since I backed off the fender, so I'll be riding the buss.. which would explain the cape getting stuck on my ass, cause I (of course) sat on the 2 hour old, very sticky gum on the seat..
My underwear will be riding up my ass, so I'll be grabbing and pulling on it the whole time I'm running after the bad guy.
If I do catch the bad guy I will confuse him with my female ability of not making any sense. If I catch a bad girl I will (of course) give her number to my brother.. (I'm a Klutz, not an idiot)

I probably won't have time to shave my legs so after a long day of chasing bad guys I will turn static after pulling the spandex suit off.. and end up looking like a mad cat with all my hairs on end.. (this is why I'm single)

This is who I'd be if I was a Superhero..
Think I need help... =P

Saturday, May 28, 2011

This is what you do..

My birthday is tomorrow, Sunday (29th) and I would love if you readers could do me a favour..

Grab all your friends or stand strong alone (it doesn't matter) Make a sign that says 'Happy Bday Isabelle', hold it up and take a picture. I want to see your faces.. =)Send the pictures to: or

This is all I wish for this birthday, since everything else is just the way I like it..

BTW incase you missed it.. I don't care that Witcher 2 is a great game..
Bioware kicks ass!!!

I'm not funny

Anyone who tells you that is lying.. I am just a person with no social filter at all.. I say what's on my mind and usually it's a load of crap that does not fit in anywhere, leats of all in the situation where I said it..

People do not laugh with me, they laugh at me, which is fine 'cause so do the voices in my head..
I know who I am, I know I'm not the brightest or sexiest or funniest or riches person in the room. If you think there is a but coming, you're wrong..

I am me.. average, silly, cute, little me.. With a nice ass and skills in the kitchen that some people would kill for..
I will not change for anyone, but me... So I'm a nerd.. I rather be single than have to give up time playing my fav videogames.. Well not quite, but you get my point..

I'm on my way to becoming a Pshycologist, I have a nice apartment and my daughter is amazing.. My life as I'm turning 33, is really, really good...
If I wasn't me, I would be wishing I was.. =)

So to all wanting to wish me happy birthday on Sunday.. My phonenr is on facebook or just add me on Twitter and send me a message..

Love you all..
Worship BIOWARE =P

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Once again

I find myself tooting my own horn, as I so eloquently call it.. I've been craving choklate like a drunk bitch with PMS..
Somehow I manage to stay civil to the most ppl around me. *toot toot*

So bored out of my mind I made this..

It's clips from the awesome game Mass Effect.. I'm trying to not freak out over the amount of time it's left before I get to play the Third and finale game in the series..

Hurry up Bioware..

Oh BTW if this is illegal for me to do (the video) pls let me know and I'll take it down at once..

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I've got to

I'm really sorry, but my mind will always be in the gutter. It loves it there, it thrives in dirty jokes and snappy comebacks..

So leave me be if you can't take it.. I'm not flirting with you just because I can make everything you say into something dirty.. I'm just nuts..

Love me or don't.. I'm a crazy MF with a great sense of humor..

On a different note. A flat!

Monday, May 16, 2011

If they f*** with me

Ok.. So I had the worst thought ever.. What if they make Joker a LI, but make him only for M characters.. That would break my heart..

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Are we forgotten?

I remember when Dragon Age 2 was the hot topic, and interviews were starting to surface. I was so exited to see what they had to say. Finally they started to explain stuff about the game. They explained Normal, Veteran and Nightmare mode in great detail.. It made me feel as though they think us casual players suck..

I love the games, that's why I bought the games, so how come you hate me?? =P
I just don't feel like being challenged.. I play them to get away from the challanges of school and kids and work.. So how about giving out an achievment just for us casual players.. Cause if I'm not mistaken I believe that Nightmare has a lot of separate achievments.

Anyway.. Looking forward to E3 and everything game related.. I am without a doubt a NERD..
But don't get me wrong, this NERDS heart belongs to Bioware.. 4-ever..

Haha... BTW.. Follow me on twitter MY Twitter ....

Seth Green and his lovely wife Clare Grant is getting a shoutout.. Go ZombieApocalypse!!! We're ready..

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Oh don't you just hope

 This is my fav art on Joker.. Done by the talented Uglynoodles
Oh, I so hope this will be possible. On the other hand I do know the game will be great.. As long as I don't have to probe planets that is..

After alot of playthroughs

I have finally made 4 really good SG's to import to ME3, perhaps I'll make a renegade playthrough as well if I can just find it in me to be a bad ass.

Oh.. Has anyone else had the idea of making a robot in the game with David Spade as a voice actor??? His voice is made for this..
or maybe Eddie Izzard.. Yes yes.. Love him.

Here's my concern, I'm a casual player, really casual... Well, now I hear that the new Normal will be the old Veteran..
Sooo?? Does that make the New Casual more difficult too? 'Cause if it does, I'm dead..

A trip to Canada is taking form in my head.. Have been recommended some nice hotels and it would be great if everything could just work out.. With school and kids and parents.. =)
Won't be able to see lovely Edmonton in the summer, but perhaps November will be just as nice..
Well, just planning right now. Nothing is written in stone..

Aww well, I have to get back to my administration homework, again. =)

See Ya

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


He might be an LI in ME3.. MIGHT BE.... Keeping my fingers crossed, and my toes to just in case..
 Love that sexy back..

On a positive note.. Bioware have decided to move the releasedate to first quarter of 2012. Love that decision, it makes for an awesome game since they get the chance to polish every diamond in there.. =)
He is so cute a could just break his legs every night.. =P

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Love Always

For Bioware that is.. I am hooked on both Dragon Age and Mass Effect.. Shame on me.. A few years ago I was hooked on Baldurs Gate..

I don't know what it is that makes these games so fun to play, over and over and over again.
Luckily school is not affected by my (not so sane) love for Bioware.

So far I've managed to get really good grades and at this point I'm studying Administration, Psycology and Spanish.. Loving everything and looking forward to being bilingual. I know, I know, knowing both Swedish and English makes me that allready, but another language won't hurt. Spanish is a good choice I think.

Sooo.. In my free time I'm writing a script, making movies and figuring out how to make and use 3D.. Busy busy, but enjoying every second..

And to you my love.. Call me when you wake up, I miss you. =)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Foolin around with Fenris.. NOT!!

I havn't done this or anything like this before.. So expect this to suck big time, At least I had fun doing it.. =)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm hooked on Dragon Age Art...

Found some wonderful and breathtaking art on the web and asked very nicely if I could share them here on my blog.. The artist said yes and I couldn't be happier..
More of her artwork can be found on her page

So thanks to Louvette for these..
Swooping is... Bad!
I can not with words express how truly amazing I find these pictures, honestly I don't even know how she does them. =P
The image on the left is of Alistair, our knight in shining armour. In the game he has a strong feeling for right and wrong. The hand over his heart really shows that honourable side I so fell in love with.
If there is a future to be had, I will walk into it gladly at your side

Ah!! Fenris, the elf with moodswings.. But I love him to. The voice actor did an amazing job and I could never make the choice to give him back to the slavers. Just watching that scene on youtube made my heart break.
I've choosen the coloured picture (there is a b&w one too) because the artwork is so precise and it really shows better in colour.

Poor Ser-Pounce-Alot...
This character was my favourite in the Awakening DLC, but I tired of him in DA2. Seriously Anders, could you be anymore mental??
I adore the smile in this one. It looks as though he's planning to blow something up.. Oh wait.... He did!!! =P

Drooling like a maniac over those abs, and let me tell you, she has alot more of these goodies on her side.

I am not, I repeat, NOT an artcritic and I know nothing about how the process in making these works.. If you are curious, visit her page..

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dragon age 2

Having trouble fixing the 'enabledeveloperconsole'???
Well I've tried a lot and have some tips..

If you can't get the DEV to work it could be that you are running Windows 7 or Vista. It seems that they, for some reason, cancel out the Tilde and Grave buttons.
So try this, in the line,


Insert F12, insted of Grave. The line should now read:


You have to write F, 1, 2 and not just push the F12 button, which will do nothing.

So lets go through it all from the start and see if we can't get the Dragon Age Cheat to work..

Start by going in to:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age II\bin_ship(the folder where you installed the game)
Look for the .exe file named DragonAge2 (it has a red icon) Make a shortcut to your desktop.

Click on the shortcut, select “Properties,” then add this attribute

to the end of the line in the “Target” field.

Ensure that there is a space between the last quotation mark in the shortcut location and the added code.

Now the line should read:
"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age II\bin_ship\DragonAge2.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole

Part one is done

Part Two.

This involves modifying the keybindings .ini file, located in
C:\Users\(your name)\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age 2\Settings\

You’ll need to search this file for the line
(if it doesn't say Grave don't sweat it, the:
is the important part)

This is where you assign the console open button.. Write F12 after the line, save and close.

Start the game using the shortcut you created, resume the game you played, press the F12 button.
If the console is active you should be unable to move your Hawke.. (that is the only way you know it's activated since no window will appear for you to write in)
 There you go, have fun.. I did..

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Jag vill tacka 'Landskrona' för de fina kommentarerna. Beklagar att språkbruket gjorde att jag inte kunde publicera dem.

Jag förstår att du har svårt att acceptera att vissa människor förändras och givetvis har jag gjort saker jag ångrar. De sakerna du pekar på har dock inte inträffat utan är en enkel bieffekt av skvaller.

Om du tar alla de saker du hört och drar ifrån ungefär 80% så får du en mer verklig bild av vad som hänt.
Att min blotta existens sticker dig så i ögonen att du känner ett behov av att nämna saker som du hört om för över 16 år sen är lite väl magstarkt, men jag tänker inte döma dig på något sätt. Jag kanske sårade dig på ett sätt som gör det svårt för dig att glömma och gå vidare.

Du skulle utan problem kunna kasta hur mycket skit du vill på mig,om det är det du behöver för att släppa vad det än var jag gjorde mot dig. Min mailadress är och du är välkommen att höra av dig dit.

MVH Isabelle

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's been a while

Been really busy with school and it's paying off.. Have A's and B's in all subjects.. Go me!!! =)
So now I'm in the middle of my Spanish lesson and I am telling you 'Todavía no sé lo que estoy haciendo', but it's getting better.

Going on a date with a really sweet guy next week. It's going to be wonderful. <3 I've missed dating to tell you the truth, but there is a big difference between dating here in Sweden and dating in the States. Swedish guys suck at dating. BUT!!! I don't blame them, it's the feministic bitches that are ruining it for all the rest of us.

First time I dated in the States I had NO idea how it worked.. So I was waiting for the guy to take me home. Hahaha.. He was waiting for me to say I wanted to go home.. So we ended up spending the whole night and part of the morning at IHOP.. Hahaha..
Didn't make the same mistake the second time... =)

Have to get back to my studying.. Will update as soon as I can.. which might be a while, but you'll live.. Right???

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


MIKE LAIDLAW (his name is way cooler than Lucy Lawless) : Is it ok to worship this man and the work he does?? Do you think God would take offense?? Honestly I don't care God... You knew what you were doing when you gave him such awesome talents.. What did you expect??
I will build this man a shrine..

I do not dare to forget all the people around him or he will strike down upon me with his awesomeness. The people at Bioware that do such great work..  The Superheroes of the modern time..

All hail Bioware..

I pledge allegiance to Bioware, the people who works there and all the games they represent. Lots of games, where I am God, indestructable, with liberty and justice for those I choose..

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Love for a family

I am, without a doubt, the black sheep in my family.. If something is capable of being screwed up, I am the woman for the job.. I have put my family through so much crap it's not even funny, but they have always been there for me. So this is my tribute to them. My way of saying thank you.

Let's start with my dad, who's an amazing man. He is the one I call when I just want to hear a calm and collected voice. I never have to listen to him telling me how to live my life. He is always there to lend a hand or just talk to me about nothing at all. He is kind and gentle and anyone should be honoured to call him their friend..

My sister is my rolemodel and a family woman. She lives for her wonderful kids and fiancé. I envy her strenght and the love she has. She is always grateful and alway has a word of encouragement for everyone. But don't get me wrong.. She takes no crap, from anyone.. She is amazingly strong willed and true to herself. She will always be someone I aspire to be like. She has it all and she deserves even more.

My brother is my best friend, don't know how that happened, but it did. He is, in his own way, an oxymoron. (if you don't know what the word means, look it up idiot). He is big and loud and.. and ... fucking awesome.. If my brother was a country, he'd probably be the best country in the world (hehe. Carlsberg humour).. I am at a lack of words when it comes to him. I am just in awe and hope he understands how freaking pround I am of him at this point..

My mom is my hero, in every way. We don't always see eye to eye on things and man, have we had some big fights. But in the end, that doesn't matter. We always listen to eachother (more or less). I know that as long as I live I will never have to worry about my life. I will never have to wonder if I am alone, because as soon as that feeling comes over me, my mom calls.. She knows what I'm feeling every second of every day. Sometimes it freaks me out..but, I do love her with all my heart.

And now to the best part of it all.. My amazing daughter.. She gives me a feeling that is not easily expressed. Have you ever looked into someones eyes and felt like you can do anything. That you could just lift from the ground and fly if you just tried. That is the feeling she gives me. In her eyes I am at my best. in her eyes there is nothing I can't do and I am so lucky that I will be able to spend the rest of my life, in her eyes.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Let's give a warm round of applause to..

Suffern, New York
Bryan, Texas
Appelton, Wisconsin
Concord, California

Entroncamento, Santarem, Portugal
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Hellanmaa, Western Finland, Finland

Since the visitor count has increased from other countries I will try to mix in more english posts in my blog. That way you know it's just a lot of rubbish I'm writing and won't have to spend that extra second to wonder if it's worth using Google Translator..

For you who are new to this site I can give you some quick info on me..

My name is Isabelle, I'm 32 years old (for about 3 more months). I have a 12 year old daughter and am, at this moment, studying to be a psychiatrist.

You can find me on facebook just click Here.

If you decide to keep reading be aware that I might offend and piss you off more than one time, but I might also make you laugh and perhaps even help you...

Soooo??!! Back to business and hope to see you soon..

(any spelling errors are not my fault.. The keyboard is just having a really bad hairday)

Friday, February 25, 2011


Vad är skillnaden.. Är ju väldigt populärt att vara 'Allergisk' nu för tiden..

Rätta mig om jag har fel, men så här ser jag det..

Allergi är något man tar medicin för att slippa. Något man kan dö av..

Intollerant är något som ger synliga/plågsamma, men uthärdliga besvär (som mjölkmage, diarré)

Känslig är när det kliar lite i halsen efter man ätit paprika eller man blir gasig efter rålök..

Att säga att man är allergisk för att man får mjölkmage, är för mig som att påstå att man har cancer för att man har ett födelsemärke.. Jag känner många människor som skulle offra mycket för lite mjölkmage så länge de slapp drabbas av andnöd och ta en massa tabletter så fort det blir vår..

Jag har fått migränanfall få gånger i mitt liv, jag liiiiiiiider verkligen med de stackare som får det ofta, men inte fan säger jag att jag är på väg att få migrän så fort jag får ont i huvudet för det.. Funkar alvedon så är det inte migrän..

Har en vän som drabbas av mirgän väldigt ofta och jag får så ont i hjärtat varje gång det händer.. Jag vet vilket stadie man hamnar i, när allt ljus är en plåga, alla ljud är dödsbringande, man kräks och är det riktigt illa så tuppar man av på grund av smärtan.. Det finns ingenting man orkar med.. Datorer är Satans påfund, människor är elaka djävlar som lever om, osv.

Jag tar det som en förolämpning när människor med huvudvärk säger att de har migrän och när människor som är känsliga mot rålök säger att de är allergiska..

Jag är känslig mot vissa saker, men skulle jag få i mig dem så kommer jag inte behöva ett sjukhusbesök eller oroa mig över att dö.. Förstår inte alla 'attention whores' att det faktiskt drabbar allergikerna i slutändan eftersom alla skriker VARG hela tiden. Snart slutar människor lyssna på de som verkligen behöver höras..

Hoppas min vän blir frisk snart.. <3

Monday, February 21, 2011


Jag och en kompis satt och pratade om röster på en förfest i helgen.. Jag sa att jag tyckte en kille hade väldigt ljus röst, varpå hon svarade att han var alt.. Jag protesterade och sa att alt var en kvinnostämma och att han borde vara tenor.
Min syn på saken var män är Bas och Tenor. Kvinnor är Alt och Sopran.. Hon höll inte med.. Det slutade med att vi blev lite osäkra båda två, men nu har jag kollat upp det och så här lyder reslutatet.. (På engelska)

Female voices
Male voices

och en notis of benämningen Alt.. "Contralto and alto are not the same term. Technically, "alto" is not a voice type but a designated vocal line in choral music based on vocal range. The range of the alto part in choral music is usually more similar to that of a mezzo-soprano than a contralto. However, in many compositions the alto line is split into two parts. The lower part, Alto 2, is usually more suitable to a contralto voice than a mezzo-soprano voice"

Nu slipper jag ha det i huvudet i alla fall...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Relationship Starbucks

I really need one.. cause for some reason I can spend two years with a fucking moron that doesn't pay attention to me, treats me like shit and act psycho without leaving him. But damn it if Starbucks get my order wrong I demand that they do it right or give me my money back..

Seriously.. give me a Relationship Starbucks..

Hi, I'll have a strong, dark one. Extra sugar, hold the crazy.. =)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lite bättre balans

28000 in och 9000 ut.. Allt känns redan mycket bättre..

Sitter just nu och funderar över vart min kompis stövlar har tagit vägen.. Ett par skitsnygga grå mockastövlar har försvunnit för henne och det gör mig fundersam och förbannad, även en tavla har försvunnit från hennes lägenhet..

Hur kan folk kliva in i någons lägenhet, stjäla en tavla och med gott samvete traska därifrån???
Stövlarna är en annan fråga.. De har försvunnit någonstans mellan flytten från mig till den nya lägenheten. Så där är funderingen var de kan ha hamnat. Både jag och Lindah har letat genom alla kartonger vi har och fortfarande inte hittat dem..

Konstigt det där, hur människor fungerar.. De tar kläder som inte är deras och sen lånar deras kompisar dem och alla tror att det är frid och fröjd.. Hur kan man göra så.. Jag har ett helt gäng kläder och även skor här, som inte tillhör mig, men jag är inte så jävla het på att använda dem. Även om jag vet att den som stal kläder av mig både använder och lånar ut kläder som INTE tillhör henne, så skulle jag aldrig göra så..
Har funderat på att skicka sakerna till henne via post, men kommit på att jag förmodligen inte får tillbaka mina saker, så nu har jag lagt ut alla kläderna och skorna på annons..

Hade hon velat haft tillbaka dem hade hon hört av sig, eftersom det inte ligger på mig då det var hon som stal grejerna och stack, så nu passar man väl på att tjäna en krona i stället då..

Nej, det är inte häleri eftersom hon vet var sakerna finns och varit medveten om att hon lämnat dem hos mig och stulit med sig annat i stället.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

In och Ut

14000 in 9000 ut..
Hmmm.. Känns lite obalanserat.. Men va fan, man lever bara en gång... =)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Det var ett tag sen..

Ligger nybadad i sängen och bara har det mysigt. Ganska skön känsla faktiskt då man slitit arslet av sig för att få folk att sköta sina jobb.. Helt otroligt att vissa får behålla jobben när de inte kan hantera ansvaret... Snäll som jag är kommer jag inte sparka alltför mycket på dem.

Saknar Pitchers något otroligt mycket, men det är så mycket att göra nu att jag inte orkar dra mig ner till dit. Skulle behöva rensa huvudet lite snart känner jag, men det är bara jobba vidare..
Funderar på om de inte kan ta hit stället, bara för en kväll, så jag kan ordna med läxorna samtidigt som jag får busa med alla trevliga människor...

BTW Pissar på allt vad posten heter som slarvar bort saker. Fy skäms på er..

Har nu lyckats sluta röka och mitt mål för i år är inte så långt borta.. Kanske borde höja ribban lite. =D
Äsch, nu ska jag läsa ut min bok innan det är sovdags..

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Har drömt om mitt ex 3 nätter på raken.. Inte roligt alls.. Haha.. Vem vill tillbaka till det kaoset liksom??

Plus i kanten, har varit duktig och möblerat om idag, har även gjort 30 min Yoga, 20 minuter pilates och bara ätit ca 1800 kalorier idag.. Eller ätit och ätit... i de där 1800 är även Coca Cola inräknat..

Är jag duktig och fortsätter så här är jag 'fit for fight' när sommaren kommer..

Jag är enormt tacksam att jag har fattat den där enkla regeln 'Gör av med mer skit än du stoppar in' För tydligen är det många som har svårt med det..

Har helt enkelt bestämt mig för att det inte finns NÅGRA ursäkter för att låta vikten skada ens kropp.. Har man problem med ryggen eller knän eller höfter eller fötter eller något annat pga vikt, då ska man se till att göra något åt det..

Har en underbar tjejkompis som liksom mig vill komma i form.. Hon har ett dåligt knä (inte pga vikten, utan en skada) men inte gnäller hon.. Hon pressar sig framåt och kämpar på, vilket jag tycker är underbart..

Hon trycker inte i sig en hel pizza och försöker övertala mig om att hon har försökt med allt och ingenting funkar.
Det är den sääämsta och mest irriterande ursäkten av alla.. Okey, så du har försökt och inget funkar?? Då tycker du att det är oki att trycka i dig en hel pizza, två påsar chips, en massa godis och annat skit.. För inget funkar.. Så då kan man bara ge upp.. Lägg av..
Människor får gärna vara tjockisar, men stå för det i stället för att försöka ursäkta er.. Vill ni inte träna eller gå ner i vikt så älskar jag er för det..

Jag är rökare, mina vänner tycker det är jobbigt att jag röker (för min hälsa), men det skulle aldrig falla dem in att kalla mig namn eller gnälla på mig eller komma med andra kommentarer.. De älskar mig ändå.. Jag behöver inte ursäkta mig..
Så om man vill vara en tjockis och man trivs med det, varför skulle jag komma med kommentarer eller pikar eller titta dömande på dig för att du tar extra sås till maten?? I don't care, but don't eat it and then complain bitch.. You're beautiful, just stand for it..

Som sagt.. Lindah är fantastisk.. Inga dåliga ursäkter, inte ens när hon dratta på rumpan och skadade svanskotan.. Nej, nej.. hon var ute och promenerade ändå.. Full fart.. Got to love her.. Reeeeaaaaaaaally loooooove her <3

Nu tillbaka till skolans hej och hå.. Höres..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Hate Boys..

No-No-No-No, I'm not bitter, I'm not mad.
Well, maybe just a little, just a tad.
I know every apple here ain't bad,
But I found a worm in every single one I had.
(Boys) They're only good for fruit, I mean bananas.
(Boys) Them boys so nuts, they're drivin' me bananas
Oh boys, we should pack them up and ship em out.
Bo-bo-bo-boys Bo-boys
Bo-bo-bo-boys Bo-boys
I hate em.

I hate boys, but boys love me.
I think they suck and my friends agree.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
Eh yeah, eh yeah, eh yeah,
I. Hate. Boys.

If you hate em boys, shake it.
If you hate em boys, shake it.

We would all be happy all be glad,
If sweet mama nature never had,
A-all this dirty little boys who think that the girls
Are only made for toys
Boys wants them women, though they barely can remember.
Then again all men are dogs.
All men are dogs.

I hate boys, but boys love me.
I think they suck and my friends agree.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
Eh yeah, eh yeah, eh yeah,
I. Hate. Boys.

If you hate em boys, shake it.
If you hate em boys, shake it.

Let's go
I H-A-T-E Boooooys!

I hate boys, but boys love me.
I think they suck and my friends agree.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
Eh yeah, eh yeah, eh yeah,
I. Hate. Boys.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

För mycket att göra

Egentligen är det skönt att ha mycket planerat, men just nu känns det som att jag är mer snurrig än vanligt.. Det ska resas hit och dit, träffas en massa folk, pluggas ännu mer... I love it...

I morgon är det slutprov i Psykologin.. Det ser jag fram emot.. Har än så länge lyckats hålla grymt bra betyg, hoppas det håller i sig hela vägen..

Ser fram emot en grundlig massage, då min rygg har pajat ihop efter min senaste tripp.. Yogan går bra och jag börjar redan bli lite smidigare i kroppen. Kände mig som ett kylskåp ett tag.. Har gått ner ytterligare 3 kilo.. Så nu är det inte långt kvar till målvikten..

Vill bara berätta för hela världen att jag har världens bästa vän.. Niklas är en sällsynt liten pärla och borde egentligen få ett pris.. Han tvekar aldrig när det gäller något.. Seriöst vi har sån jävla bra respekt för varandra att jag nog aldrig kommer hitta en bättre vän..

Nu ska jag återgå till pluggandet och sen ta ett varmt bad.. I morgon kl 12 börjar allvaret..

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Några av mina projekt..

Har som sagt tagit upp stickning igen.. Sist jag stickade gick jag i grundskolan.. Var några år sen med andra ord.. Det här är vad jag har gjort hittills..
Håller fortfarande på med denna, det ska på ärmar också, men garnet är elakt som attans.. Så jag vilar fingrarna lite..

Bebis mössa.. Funderar på vem jag ska ge den till då det är slut på små bebisar i släkten..

Min första mössa.. Den första jag gjorde när jag lyfte upp stickorna för nån månad sen.

Sötaste Cayenne ville ha en mössa, så det var bara sticka en..