Monday, July 28, 2014


My daughter and I are Whovians to the core, so we had to attend LFCC and meet "the impossible girl". We did run into some more friends though. 


It's been a while.

Hey all!

I've been busy, busy, busy. Moving to a house, writing a book and working out. Yeah one of those is a total lie. Anywho. Reviving my blog in the name of books.

Two series to be more exact.

The first one is; Guards of the Shadowlands by Sarah Fine.
This series is a little dark and twisted which I like. It doesn't bore me and the second book is just as good as the first one.
I often find that the second book in a series is aweful. It happened in Mortal Instruments, Penryn & the end of days, Hunger games, Fallen and so on. This however keeps the quality and makes me want to go back for more.

Second series is; Divinicus Nex Chronicles by A & E Kirk
This series is lots of fun. It keeps me smiling from page one. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, but the difference between them  make it easy to do so.
The second book is longer and dives deeper into a few of the characters which for me is a treat. Looking forward to getting to know all of them better. Just like the previous series, this has me coming back, not just for seconds, but thirds and forths as well.
I find new things to marvle over in every read which keep me on my toes.

Well. I'll be posting my own little fan fic between writing my own book and caring for my daughter. So I'll hope to see you all soon.
