Monday, August 8, 2011

Dragon Age 2 Cheats

Per request I am posting this again..

Having trouble fixing the 'enabledeveloperconsole'???
Well I've tried a lot and have some tips..

If you can't get the DEV to work it could be that you are running Windows 7 or Vista. It seems that they, for some reason, cancel out the Tilde and Grave buttons.
So try this, in the line,


Insert F12, insted of Grave. The line should now read:


You have to write F, 1, 2 and not just push the F12 button, which will do nothing.

So lets go through it all from the start and see if we can't get the Dragon Age Cheat to work..

Start by going in to:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age II\bin_ship(the folder where you installed the game)
Look for the .exe file named DragonAge2 (it has a red icon) Make a shortcut to your desktop.

Click on the shortcut, select “Properties,” then add this attribute

to the end of the line in the “Target” field.

Ensure that there is a space between the last quotation mark in the shortcut location and the added code.

Now the line should read:
"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age II\bin_ship\DragonAge2.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole(or in my case E:\)

Part one is done

Part Two.

This involves modifying the keybindings .ini file, located in
C:\Users\(your name)\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age 2\Settings\

You’ll need to search this file for the line
(if it doesn't say Grave don't sweat it, the:
is the important part)

This is where you assign the console open button.. Write F12 after the line, save and close.

Start the game using the shortcut you created, resume the game you played, press the F12 button.
If the console is active you should be unable to move your Hawke.. (that is the only way you know it's activated since no window will appear for you to write in)
There you go, have fun.. I did..

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