Let me start by saying I love Bioware and Mike Laidlaw (and everyone else who works at Bioware of course)
Dragon Age 2 is really a great game if you look at all the parts separately, but as a whole it really doesn't hold you like it should..
You know.. With that 'Don't disturb me MF's, I'm playing Dragon Age' kind of feeling..
I went through the "trouble" of installing DA2 on my computer again just to play the new DLC Legacy.. I updated my drivers and felt like a kid the day before xmas..
This is my reaction and opinion..
I will try not to spoil anything for those of you who hasn't bought it yet. (but I might so read carefully)
My first feeling of 'WTF Bioware' came as soon as I saw how I was gonna access the area..
How can you get a feeling of a large and connected world if you put crap like that in the game.. Seriously.. You need to take a long hard look at the Origins DLC's and go back to what works.. You are running the gamers away by cheating them like that.. Either mold the DLC's with the game or just apologize in advance..
Yes, I still love you Bioware and I am still hoping for an improvement, but to kick me when I'm still down after DA2 is taking it one step to far.

It pretty much points you in the right direction with big flashy monsters holding neonsigns.
But that goes for the whole game I guess..
The monsters are big and bad. Hawke is awesome and all the bad guys die..
Can't really say much more than that right now or I might spoil it for all who haven't gotten it yet..
Will write more about it in a couple of weeks when more people have played it and I don't spoil it to much..
Will write more about it in a couple of weeks when more people have played it and I don't spoil it to much..
It doesn't add much to the story as far as I can tell, it's like picking up a hitchhiker who wants you to drop it of at the same spot as you picked it up..
It doesn't even pay for gas, even though it insisted to ride along for 3 miles before wanting to go back..
It doesn't even pay for gas, even though it insisted to ride along for 3 miles before wanting to go back..
As I said on my Twitter.. Legacy is to DA2 what a sidecar is to a VW van.. I would have said Porche, but DA2 is no Porche..
It's that VW standing on cinder blocks in your backyard and Legacy is the sidecar you can't attach without it looking stupid..
It's that VW standing on cinder blocks in your backyard and Legacy is the sidecar you can't attach without it looking stupid..
The Exiled Prince on the other hand is like the fluffy dice hanging from the rareview mirror.. It gave you the feeling that one day this baby would grace the streets again..
So I need more parts that go with this VW.. How about some new tires and maybe an oilchange.. I mean the engine is working, but it needs some fine tuning..
If that can't be done..
Here's an idea for your next game..
Here's an idea for your next game..
Still Love You All at BIOWARE... and if you need me to play through the games for you before you release them, let me know.. That way you can avoid blunders like the area location thingy... =P
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