New Bugs
- Companion conversations do not work properly. Conversations do not appear until you finished a questline and then you get 7 to 11 conversations in a row.
- After being in a full group and then leaving, the companions dismiss themselfs when you get on a speeder (as they should) BUT do not appear again as you get off it. This also happens if you ride an elevator. You are now forced to summon them, which causes combat problems the times you get shot of your speeder..
General bugs
- If there is a fleet pass in you inventory and you click it to activate
the transport, if you move or interrupt the activation cast, the fleet pass is
still used and the cooldown activated.
Workaround : Do not move or break the activation cast.
- When the game initially starts up, it seems to make a best guess assumption
about the aspect ratio of the screen.
This aspect ratio is used no matter what resolution the game is played at. If it does not match the guessed aspect ratio, the 3D environment will be stretched or appear squashed. The UI is unaffected.
Workaround: Use a resolution that matches what the game thinks your aspect ratio is (if available) in fullscreen mode, with scaling that preserves aspect ratio.
- The ability (talent) Medical Engineering from the Medic tree of the Operative, causes certain characters to laugh whenever the proc goes off.
- The Sith corruption option seemingly does not stay turned off for long.
Workaround: Most zoning resets it back to on as does a UI reset (Press ctrl + U twice)
- Crew skills window will occasionally display a 4th crew skill that you have
not taken.
Solution: Relogging or reload ui fixes this display issue.
- Malavai Quinn's heals sometimes leave a permanent green aura on your
character long after the effect has ended.
Solution: Relogging resolves this display issue.
- Certain diplomacy missions will return a failure that awards you light/dark
side points that have a crazy amount of decimal places. (e.g. 1.3400007856)
Solution: None known. It is a server side issue.
- The final conversation via holocom on the Agent's ship in Nar Shadda had no
dialogue options displayed.
Workaround: Some players are stating that a full relog can fix the issue. However, others are saying that their character is essentially stuck and cannot progress.
- The Agent pulls out their gun in a few cutscenes, yet it stays on their back, and they airgun down the target.
- Zoning on Hammer Station can lead to mouse cursors vanishing.
Workaround: Holding the left mouse button, and turning the camera fixed this, but relog also works.
- Unable to send mail to alternate characters.
Some people are reporting that it is not possible to send mail from one of your own characters to another of your own characters. The mail never arrives.
Solution: try relogging into the affected character(s), or passing the items/credits to a friend who can physically trade them or mail them to the intended recipient.
- Player groups are not currently able to have more than one active
Flashpoint. If your group has recently entered a Flashpoint and attempts to
enter a different Flashpoint, players will see a message prompt. The message
will incorrectly state that you cannot enter because of a different difficulty
selection, but it is actually because the first Flashpoint is still
Workaround: The group leader must right click on his or her portrait and select reset all active Flashpoints from the context menu. Then you should be able to enter. Note that you can only reset Flashpoints once every 5 minutes. If the party leader recently reset, players will need to wait for the timer or leave the group and create it again using a different leader before resetting the active Flashpoint from the context menu.
- When using the Master Looter grouping feature, players currently cannot
assign loot to other people in the group (normal or Operations groups) when that
loot is from a chest and will receive the message: "Access
Solution: None known
- When grouped with another character of your same class and while inside a
Class Phase, looting may request players to roll for loot rather than giving it
to the player automatically. This happens most often when group members are not
within the proper proximity to be eligible for the items.
Solution: Simply wait . The window may require more than one roll attempt, but the appropriate player will receive the loot after about 30 seconds.
- When you try to equip/slot an item onto either your character, companion or
ship, the item disappears. (does not equip).
Solution: None Known.
- Game goes to a black Screen and a hard system reset is needed
This error happens a random times. The screen goes black, the music will loop, and there is nothing you can do to get out of this, except for a hard restart. No error code is given, but when you come back online, you are placed at the back of any server queue.
Possible Solution 1: Ensure EVERYTHING is up to date (quicktime/directX/drivers ect) and repair the launcher. Run the game in windowed mode, the default in-game command for this is ALT-ENTER. Mixed results, some people it works, others it doesn't.
Possible Solution 2: Run the game in compatibility mode for XPsp3, again mixed results.
- Player is unable to fly between planets while in a
Solution: Leave group, fly to the intended destination, regroup.
- Unable to click on anything in-game after holding down Mouse 4 or Mouse 5,
sometimes with Ventrilo VOIP.
Variant: Will be unable to click on things at random times in-game.
Workaround:Hit CTRL + U twice to reload the UI. Will have to do this every time it happens however, which can be many times depending on what's triggering the mouse unresponsiveness.
Solution: None known at this time
- Nodes to click on for salvaging are not
Reproduction: Try to salvage a node that is either placed above or below the boundaries of a texture.
Solution: Known known at this time. The bug is server side.
- Some pre-assigned guilds may notice that guild names appear to be misspelled
or incorrect when players log on to their designated server. Players should not
disband their guilds for this concern, as every new member that logs in will
recreate the incorrect guild.
Solution: None known
Companion Bugs
- Companions abilities that you de-select from their UI bar, sometimes reset themselves whenever you dismount or rezone.
- Companions randomly encounter constant issues with elevators and some ledges, often just standing there and sometimes being unable to be dismissed leading to you having to backtrack to find them.
- Companions are slow to observe the target you select to attack, and will often switch target whenever they like. When you cancel them from combat, they also walk Extremely slowly back to you.
- Companions exclaim that their crafting mission is a failure, despite success. And vice versa.
General UI
- Reverse engineering button in inventory randomly
Solution: Initiate a trade with someone, or interact with any vendor will return it.
- Focus Frame breaks after cut scenes.
Reproduction: Enable the focus frame (Alt + F). Interact with an NPC. Focus frame is now missing and unable to be set.
Solution: Disable the frame, pick APPLY, then re-enable the frame, pick APPLY. This will need to be done after every cut scene.
- Guild list shows no one or only a partial list.
Reproduction: Game while many guild members are online. Over time the Guild listing will show fewer and fewer online members even though the number along the top of the UI states more.
Solution1: Press CTRL + U twice. This will reload the UI and magically fix the guild list.
Solution 2: Sort by guild member name to ensure that the full guild roster appears as intended
- The loading screen prompts "Press spacebar to continue" will not function
properly if the command for "jump" has been remapped to another key in player
Workaround: If the "jump" command is not bound, players will need to exit the game using Alt+F4 or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete to pull up the Task Manager. Upon returning to the game, players will need to bind the jump key. Players should use the remapped key to progress when at the loading screen.
Jedi Knight
- Player is unable to converse with Kira (Jedi Knight companion
Possible Solution: Avoid darkside flirt after defector quest. Seems to be temporary but is still a valid workaround.
- Conceal/cover bar for Smugglers and Agents re-enables itself if disabled
after cut scenes.
Reproduction: Create a Smuggler/Agent, disable the conceal/cover bar in options. Use cover a few times. Interact with any NPC to start a cut scene. Cover bar is now re-enabled.
Solution 1: Set up the bar exactly the same as your primary ability bar.
Solution 2: Enable the bar, pick APPLY, then disable the bar again, pick APPLY. This will need to be done after every cut scene. Solution 1 is easier.
Sith Warrior
- The Sith Warrior mission "A New Master", defeating Teeno first will
prevent players from speaking to Phyne to progress as
Workaround: Sometimes, players can leave the mission phase and enter again, which may allow for Phyne to be selected. If she is not, players will need to abandon the mission and complete the fight again, this time ensuring Teeno is not defeated first.
Bounty Hunter
- Bounty Hunter's class quest seems to drop shortly after Corellia, no lead-in
to Ilum.
Solution : None Known. Developers are fully aware of it.
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