Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Love for Bioware

This is what I know about Bioware.

They make great games, with great stories and awesome fights..

This is what I've learned about Bioware:

They are amazing. The people who work at Bioware are kind and helpfull.
They have a great sense of humor and really love what they're doing..
If I had a project (no matter what) those are the kind of people I would hope was working on it..

I will never, ever forget the first computer I got.. It was in 1999, so I was late getting one..
A friend of mine brought over Baldurs Gate and wanted me to try it, after that I was hooked..

So for 12 years I have loved and stayed true to Bioware and after interacting with the people involved in the comapny, I feel I will never stop supporting them...

So thank you all for the wonderful time you've given me and so many others.
I can only hope our thanks and enjoyment will keep you from feeling the emptiness that comes with releasing a big project and realizing your work is done.. (almost, we still expect dlc's, lots and lots)

And to the people involved in Mass Effect... Your time is almost over, your work is nearing it's end..
You have worked hard on this project and I can only imagine the feeling of pride that must wash over you as it all comes together.. You have done an amazing job and I hate you all for not letting me know if Joker is an LI... Hahahahahahah..

No seriously.. I love you guys and girls... (even if you fuck up sometimes)

Thank you so much for everything..

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